Upgrade the Train/Embeddings Feature
🥚 Idea
The train feature is important and needs more attention. Here are my suggestions for an upgrade: - hide option for deleted items - rename option for uploaded files, texts, links - modify option for uploaded text documents, texts - view+modify option for text from scraped websites - view+modify option for text taken from youtube videos - option to group uploaded items to categories - multiple selection of uploaded items for deleting, categorizing, moving to another category, - time stamp for uploaded or/and modified items - refresh button for website links to update the data if needed - comment/description field for each uploaded item - token counter for each uploaded item and possible further suggestions from the roadmap comments
🥚 Idea
Merek •
11 months ago
Rod Klingler •
2 years ago
Also, I need the ability to update the training data via API!
Rod Klingler •
2 years ago
Every one of these are solid. +1!